Confession and Hagiography in the Church
Alba Iulia
May, 5-6, 2025

Informations for the authors

Originality and responsibility:

The scientific review AR is publishing studies and materials from humanistic field, like: religion, theology, history, sociology or philology. It is preferable for the articles not have been previously published elsewhere; with priority we admit for publishing the studies which proof a high level of originality. Responsibility for the opinions or critical position belong to theirs authors and do not show position of Redaction, Faculty of Theology or Archbishopric in Alba Iulia.

Shape and scholarly content:

We strongly recommend that the studies should be limited to no more than 50000 characters (c. 18-20 A4 pages, spaced at 1.5 lines) typed using Times New Roman font, 12 pts. for the main text, (with diacritics for Romanian texts) and of 10 pts. for footnotes. All studies must be accompanied by an English abstract no longer then 1200 characters (c. 15 lines) and 5-8 keywords.
The studies containing ancient Greek, Hebrew or Slavonic characters must be accompanied by fonts used.
For details, see a FREE SAMPLE (PDF). See also NORME DE REDACTARE [RO]

Reviewing procedure
All studies are peer-reviewed. The process can take 1-3 months. The purpose of this procedure is to help authors to improve their work after some constructive comments, looking for a better scientific background, novelties, clear wording, correct citation of bibliographical references etc. After an internal review process an article is forwarded (anonymously) to one or more members of our independent scientific board, someone who is especially qualified to assess a given article. The reviews of at least two specialists will be sent to the author. Accepted papers will be corrected according to the suggestions of the specialists. We encourage the dialog between the board and the authors until materials arrive to a final shape.
After printing, the author has the right to receive one copy of the journal issue which contains his/hers study.

Affiliation of the authors
All the articles should be accompanied by a brief presentation of the author, his academic position and affiliation, the research interests, the title of the last published or of a representative study and a contact address (preferable e-mail).

All materials should be submitted in electronic form to one of the following e-mail addresses:

Guest editors

Dumitru A. VANCA;

tel. 0040-728-811896