Confession and Hagiography in the Church
Alba Iulia
May, 5-6, 2025

ISSTA 2025


 Confession and Hagiography in the Church

the Organizing Committee is pleasedto invite you to the 24th International Symposium on Science, Theology and Arts (ISSTA 2025)


having four different sections:

    1. The living history of faith and national unity at the centenary of the Romanian patriarchate;

    2. Credo … in unam sanctam, catholicam et apostolicam Ecclesiams;

    3. Art as Testimony to God – Ethos in the Foundations of Creation;

    4. Confessors of the faith during communism and the martyrdom of the Church.




  • Mihai HIMCINSCHI, “1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia, Romania, dean of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, director of ISSTA 2023
  • Oliviu BOTOI, “1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Alexandru Moldovan, ”1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Mark J. CHERRY, Edward’s University, Austin, Texas, SUA
  • Emil JURCAN, “1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Dumitru VANCA, ”1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Ovidiu PANAITE, “1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Dragoș ȘUȘMAN, “1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Mariyan STOYADINOV, ”St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
  • Marius TELEA, ”1 Decembrie 1918” University, Faculty of Theology in Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Lucian COLDA, ”1 Decembrie 1918” University, Faculty of Theology in Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Oliviu BOTOI, “1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Ana ILTIS, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
  • Răzvan BRUDIU, “1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Porzia QUAGLIARELIA, Faculty of Theology, Bari, Italia
  • Sorin ALBU, “Arte și Design” University, Cluj Napoca, Romania
  • Andrei DÎRLĂU, researcher, theologian, writer,editor, translator


  • Mihai HIMCINSCHI, PhD, Rev., Professor, dean of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, director of ISSTA 2020 “1 Decembrie 1918” University in Alba Iulia
  • Oliviu BOTOI,“1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia, Romania, 
  • Mihail Dan, ”1 Decembrie 1918” University, Faculty of Theology in Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Emil JURCAN, “1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Dumitru VANCA, ”1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Domin ADAM, ”1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Alin ALBU, ”1 Decembrie 1918” University, Faculty of Theology in Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Ovidiu PANAITE, ”1 Decembrie 1918” University, Faculty of Theology in Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Marius TELEA, ”1 Decembrie 1918” University, Faculty of Theology in Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Lucian COLDA, ”1 Decembrie 1918” University, Faculty of Theology in Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Răzvan BRUDIU, ”1 Decembrie 1918” University, Faculty of Theology in Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Andrei DÎRLĂU, researcher, theologian, writer,editor, translator
  • Tiberiu APOLZAN, MA Theology, MA Economics, secretary of the Faculty of Theology in Alba Iulia


The full paper written in Microsoft Word must be submitted until April 30, 2025, to the e-mail address of the person in charge of the panel to which the registration was made:

1. The living history of faith and national unity at the centenary of the Romanian patriarchate;

2. Credo … in unam sanctam, catholicam et apostolicam Ecclesiam;

3. Art as Testimony to God – Ethos in the Foundations of Creation;

4. Confessors of Faith during Communism and the Martyric Memory of the Church

The paper must be an original work, written in English (for foreign guests!), with considerable scientific relevance, and it must not have been previously published.

Your paper (the whole text, including the abstract, footnotes, remarks, and references!) should not exceed 25.000 characters and be drafted according to the requirements available on the Symposium website: (Information for Authors).

Nota Bene: only papers written in the above format will be taken into consideration by the editorial team!!! The paper must include, at the beginning, the name and affiliation of the author, the abstract and 4-5 keywords in English.

***Also, please attach a brief presentation of yourself, which should include your scientific and academic titles and ranks, the titles of your recent relevant publications and your e-mail address.

The conference proceedings will be published at Reîntregirea Publishing House (ISBN, category CNCS B). A selection of the presented papers will be published as extended works in English in the International Journal of Orthodox Theology (indexed in ERIH Plus, ATLAR DB, etc.). according to the terms and conditions for publication of IJOT (,and another selection of papers will be published in the academic journal Altarul Reîntregirii (indexed in International Data Base, and CNCS B category), according to the requirements (