Confession and Hagiography in the Church
Alba Iulia
May, 5-6, 2025

Church & Society

In a secularized society, which is infusing its members with the idea of a need for total institutional separation from the Church, the latter may not remain passive in front of that challenge, ultimately aimed at its utter exclusion from social life. Pressing issues of economic, financial and cultural policies are also influencing the life of the Church. Although neutral from a political viewpoint, the Church may not stay impassible in front of actions influencing society. Important aspects in the field of sociology or bio-ethics, such as: social ethics and performance within the limit of available resources, donation and/or transplant of human organs, euthanasia, abortion, legal and moral aspects linked to genetic engineering, family ethics, the role and place of the Church in society, the evangelical structure of ethical and political concepts, etc., are challenges raised by modern society to which the Christian community is called upon to provide an answer.

In a world which is changing its values in keeping with political doctrines, conjunctural currents and habits, in function of the pressure of minority or interest groups, are the stable, consistent and perennial values proposed by Christianity still needed? Are these values universal or confessional? What does it mean doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, doing it properly, and with the available resources? Is it possible that mankind should create its own non-religious values, allowing the State / States to function outside of the axiological principles promoted by religions and confessions?

These are only a few of the topics that we are inviting you to reflect on and, if you so choose, to participate in our scientific debate, sending us your research, studies and articles.