Confession and Hagiography in the Church
Alba Iulia
May, 5-6, 2025


Visit Alba Iulia-Carolina, the largest Vauban Citadel in Europe

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See surroundings of Alba Iulia

According to tradition, was founded, in the year 1214 by two monks, Ghenadie and Romulus. The old church dedicated to the Healing-Spring features several layers of painting, dating from 1300, 1310, 1377,1450, 1600, 1714, and 1809.The monastery, the most powerful Christian Orthodox center in Transylvania, was destroyed by general Bukow’s Hapsburg armies in 1762 and 1785, being then abandoned for 100 years. In 1826 it was turned into a parish church, then in 1932 it became again a monastery of monks, and of nuns in 1955. Closed for monastic life and turned into a tourist chalet in 1960, it was reopen in 1968 under the guidance of hieromonk Dometie, who managed to build a chalet outside abode, which they traded for the monastery buildings. Between 1982 and 1992 a new church – dedicated to The Dormition of the Virgin and to The Saints Apostles Peter and Paul– was erected. The monastery boasts a museum of old books, wood and glass icons, religious and ethnographic utensils. Here are hosted more than 100 nuns.

With its more than 150 well preserved fortified churches of a great variety of architectural styles (out of an original 300 fortified churches), south-eastern Transylvania region in Romania currently has one of the highest numbers of existing fortified churches from the 13th to 16th centuries. Listed as a UNESCOWorld Heritage SiteVillages with Fortified Churches in Transylvania are seven villages (six Saxon and one Szekely) founded by the Transylvanian Saxons, dominated by their fortified churches and characterized by a specific settlement pattern that have been preserved since the late Middle Ages.

Founded by the first governor of the new roman province, Terentius Scaurianus, between 108 and 110, during the reign of Emperor Hadrian, the city got also the name Sarmizegetusa (the former capital of the Dacian Kingdom of Decebalus). Erected in southern Transylvania, on the place of a camp of the 5th legion Macedonica, Ulpia Traiana is populated by veterans of the Dacian wars, receiving from the foundation the rank of a colony, and its inhabitants benefiting from ius italicum. Expanded over about 30 ha and counting 20.000 – 25.000 inhabitants, Ulpia Traiana was the political, administrative and religious center of the province of Dacia, during the 2nd-3rd centuries. [see Ulpia Traiana-Sarmizegetusa-roman capital of Dacia]; [see Sarmizegetusa Regia – former capital of Dacia]


For all interested participants the accommodation fwill be arranged at special rates:

  •  up to 75 Euro/room/night at Medieval Hotel (5*) or ‘Parc’ Hotel (4*)
  • up to 25 Euro/room/night at ‘Steaua Nordului’ House (3*), ‘Cetate’ Hotel (2*)
  • up to 10 Euros /bed/night/double bed rooms/University campus.
  • Participants are free to arrange their own accommodation if they wish