Confession and Hagiography in the Church
Alba Iulia
May, 5-6, 2025

What Choice for the Church? Between Scylla and Charybdis . . .

The Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 unleashed a real frenzy of violence and murder, whose victims were all the real or presumed opponents to the new regime, intending to apply a new political philosophy and anthropology from the perspective of homo sovieticus. The state, fighting against God and His creation, promoted a situation the Church could not agree with or adjust to. When the communist regime was established in Romania through the imposition of the Petru Groza government (March 6, 1945), the Romanian Orthodox Church  was in a defensive position. Knowing its inter-war anti-communist past, the new political regime encountered difficulties as concerns adjusting the Church to the soviet model which had to be taken and applied thoroughly. For the Romanian Orthodox Church, but also for the other cults, the new social and political circumstances were absolutley new, it had never faced a radically hostile social and political partner. In this situation, knowing the sad experience of the Russian Orthodox Church, which had almost succumbed to the confrontation with this implacable adversary, communism, the Orthodox Church had to choose a direction, a policy in relating to the new regime. What were the adaptative strategies of the Church? Mission? Purpose? What were the themes which configured this type of relation?