Confession and Hagiography in the Church
Alba Iulia
May, 5-6, 2025

Christian Life during the Communist Regime. Surviving into a hostile atheistic system

This panel puts forward analyses subordinated to the objective of a historical recovery of the tensions between Christianity and the atheist communism in Romania during a period of more than half a century, a period quasi-finalised in 1989. Under the cover of the so-called revolutionary radical theory, often instituted through coups d’état, the whole population was obliged through blackmail and terror to become obedient  to the power and to the party ideology, otherwise they had to choose prison and social marginalisation – the only opytion for the people’s enemies. Atheist communism restricted the possibilities of expression of the Church in boundaries often considered by most theologians as liturgical ghetto spaces. The marginalisation of the Church by excluding it from the public sector, the controlled space of the moments of the cult, contracting the institutional structure of the Church represent a minimal inventory concerning the situation of the Church during communism. The topic requires strictness both at the level of historical research and at the level of the Christian conscience and moral. We invite you to take part in research dealing with martirologies, convictions, disclosures, experiences, directions, culture, politics, religion, stage of research.