Confession and Hagiography in the Church
Alba Iulia
May, 5-6, 2025

Musical-liturgic creations dedicated to Sf. Emperors Constantine and Elena

Gheorghe Neacșu, University of Pitesti

Musical-liturgic creations dedicated to Sf. Emperors Constantine and Elena

Exposure aims to present the image appearance of Christian Emperor Constantine and his mother Helena hymnographic productions reflected both liturgical and musical creations adapted to these liturgical texts. Were identified compositions that reveal the spiritual state of the two sovereigns Byzantines, watching carefully for changes in musical texts observation of new items. Melodic differences of ritual books, emerging from one edition to another is explained by the fact that the authors were drawn into their creations and where officiated by church liturgical service (whether it was church music creation adapt to the ceremony).

The focus was mainly on the slave and sticheron including the best meaning of the feast. Highlighted the importance of speech text musically led to the development of theological and semantic analysis of text and stylistic musical compositions

Freedom of expression of the Christian faith gained in 313, was more than an opportunity to show liturgical enrichment entailed theological thinking and living sufficiently exploited by those who become „friends of God”. They are found in cult church in Byzantine hymns and melodies. Constantine the Great is credited depicted in hymns and songs of praise, worthy praised.

Key words: slave, sticherons, melos byzantine, liturgical hymns, music, praising scales, musical speech.